April 30, 2004
Vote Coggeshell
The issues:
1. End Affirmative Action.
2. Close the Borders now.
3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
6. Make tax cuts permanent.
7. Reduce the number of Federal Employees.
8. Tort Reform - Stop Class Action Lawyers
Oh, and this. (via memepool)
Ack! His damn name is stuck to my mouse pointer! Trickery! Trickery!
Well, he [i]does[/i] have a very shiny sword...
but why does he have a link to mail-order-brides above the boy scouts link? perhaps foreigners are ok if they're Eastern European Christian hotties?
tinder: "IMMIGRATION FIRST HAND This is a subject close to my heart, why? In 1999 while visiting the University of Washington I found the woman of my dreams, my tall, blond Russian beauty. This is where the subject of LEGAL IMMIGRATION is one that I know first hand." perhaps this has something to do with it.
And I just love the disclaimer that graces each page.
This is my favorite part: To all who complain about my spelling if you find something just tell me. I am a prolific writer with Dyslexia and at the age of 35 with an IQ of 150 I haven't felt the need to get to caught up in the small stuff. I have a very busy life with a very successful business and music career I challenge any one to spend one day with me. You might find it hard to keep up. So get over it. Who wants to volunteer to spend a day? tinder: i think as long as you are coming over to clean the house, get knocked up, make Glenn dinner and NOT STEAL THE WHITE MAN'S WORK you are probably okay.
ahhh. i see. from his biography, apparently he's not just a client, but an owner too.
Is it wrong that I'm having way too much fun with the name-following-cursor thing? This could entertain me for hours! P-wave, S-wave, big loopy thing!
actually, to be fair, i think he's just going off against illegal immigrants. he doesn't seem to have a problem with foreigners so long as they follow the correct laws. sorry. my bad.
If only all political candidates were so sincere, wouldn't this be a happier place?
I took a cheap shot with the above comment, but I don't think I'm wrong in my impression of him.
Just, wow. I need to move to Washington so I can give this guy my full support.
Following the link to his music brings up this phrase, "With his Seven CD trilogy of the bible..." Seven CD trilogy, huh? The math boggles the mind.... Ooo, shiny!
As best I can tell this guy has taken his entire politcal platform from Michael Savage
Does it bother anybody else that his 9-11 photo montage includes pictures of mushroom clouds, which I'd wager were caused by American weapons? What does this have to do with anything? Oh, and the cursor thing is way fun.
For my next webpage i'm gonna add that stupid cursor thing and have the text be War & Peace. Then I'm going to by a HD monitor and go to town.
Ooo, shiny! You rang?
Well fuck you yankee bitches, I clicked on 'What makes America great' and he said it was me. ME! Do you hear? Bow down you fucks, power over all of you has returned to the UK, and I command you to prostrate your economy before me.
"Gun used above is a movie prop Gun encase you are wondering" How reassuring.
I'm still going to sleep.
And by the way, since I checked, it really isn't 3:08 am tomorrow here, where I live, on the east coast, right now. Does this site operate in some sort of alternate time zone with which I am not familiar? It's fine, but I had things to do with those other hours and now I can't. Please let me know which time to believe in.And I'll need some during the elections as well. Thanking you in advance...
Some help. I'll need some help.I guess this was obvious to most of you.
I vote biffa for President.
Ach! It would now seem this Coggeshill was about two years ahead of his time.