December 08, 2003

Flashback A little odd flash to add flavour to your day. Don't worry about the low quality at the start, it gets considerably better when the music starts.
  • Not really that trippy. I couldn't wait for it to finish. How long is it?
  • 'Kay...
  • My computer just asked me for a urine sample.
  • It really is long - I've been watching it for five minutes and it still shows no sign of stopping. Decent music though
  • It finished, finally.
  • Well, that didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Sorry to bore y'all. I'm betting it's much better if you already know and like the music (which is my case). Dunno how long it is, but the song that it is a music video for is 10:26 long.
  • Sorry bugbread, my comment wasn't meant as a complaint - just as an indication of its length.
  • Also, what song is it?
  • Divine Moments of Truth by Shpongle. An excellent group, one of my favorites.
  • Shpongle. This was also posted on MeFi a while back. I love it, so thanks bugbread.
  • scribble
  • *sighs, gets out cleaning fluid to take crayon marks off the thread
  • *huffs cleaning fluid when BlueHorse turns her back.
  • *holds lighter aloft, in tribute to Nickdanger's threadtrek
  • *lights cigar with fish tick's lighter.
  • *takes picture of smoke rings, fish tick, and GramMa*
  • *smacks Nickdanger, takes lighter from Fish Tick, tosses bucket of water on BearGuy, and bows toward PeteBest*
  • *trips BlueHorse
  • *comes back to feet, makes the nuck, nuck, nuck, wheeew noise*
  • *watches little birdies go "tweet-tweet-tweet" in a starry circle around his head.
  • *gives BlueHorse a wet-willy.
  • *tapes "Kick Me" sign to Zanshin*
  • "Oh! This is great! This is really hilarious! Totally ad-libbed, too, by the way! Right, so there's this scene where BlueHorse is supposed to take some cleaning fluid and wipe off Zanshin's scribble, right? And uh... I just thought... I just thought 'wouldn't it be funny if-?' And then I did it! And uh... Wait, wait, I love this part! Birdies! Around my head! That's not computers, by the way, those are real birds, specially trained by ... what was his name... the bird trainer. Bob, maybe. Yeah, Bob, who, by the way, is just really a pleasure to work with..."
  • *puts hand over Nickdanger's mouth.