November 20, 2003

Emotional jewellery 'Moi, a PhD student at the Royal College of Art, London, has over the last four years developed prototype jewellery that does not merely exist beautifully on the body. It also interacts dynamically with the wearer by indicating emotional changes in the wearer's mind.' (via Beverly Tang)
  • Great link! Thanks! The artist in me says, "ooOo! Interesting! So much to think about!" The geek in me says, "So basically it's a flashy LED mood ring?" The raver in me says, "MMmmmmMMM shiiinnneeeeey!"
  • Yeah, all I could think of was mood rings, like, didn't they invent this in the sixties?
  • I just bought one of those mood rings, and was speculating about how difficult it would be to link one of these to the pulse rate and then i stumbled upon this.
  • Pity someone beat you to it - you could make a lot of money off the ravers. :)
  • Tsk, tsk, NickD missed this one. I'm half-mad with pain. It's about 9 hours and 20 minutes until the dentist's office opens.
  • Ouch. Have you got an ice pack on your cheek?
  • Doesn't help. Only thing that helps is holding cold water in my mouth. Even Tylenol 3 (with codeine) isn't touching it. It is going to be a long night. Thanks for asking though!
  • Try salt water. It'll dry your mouth out, but it works for my dad.
  • Oh, just found this via Mefi: 7. Cure your toothache without opening your mouth! Just rub ice on the back of your hand, on the V-shaped webbed area between your thumb and index finger. A Canadian study found that this technique reduces toothache pain by as much as 50 percent compared with using no ice. The nerve pathways at the base of that V stimulate an area of the brain that blocks pain signals from the face and hands.
  • Thanks, I'll try it.
  • Poor Koko.
  • Is it any better, Koko?
  • Didn't work! Dumbass Canucktards! Anyone got any heroin?
  • *sigh* oh dear.
  • Pinching that nerve also helps my tension headaches. I hold the tendon between my thumb and the rest of the hand very firmly, and my headaches lesson.
  • Man, I'm really bad at this game.
  • My dentist appointment is at 2:30. Can you believe it?
  • I remember reading somewhere that cloves are meant to help with toothache. Not sure if you chew 'em or smell 'em or rub 'em on your gums or what, though. sorry, I basically got nuthin. Hope you feel better soon, koko
  • note to self: Google before posting. Cloves cure toothache - ici19 years ago by mothninja
  • hmm, something funny going on here today, what I meant to say was: Cloves cure toothache - official!
  • Wait, cloves make the tooth fairy go away?
  • Not if you give the tooth fairy a clove cigarette.
  • Yeah, I think we're rockin' now.
  • koko, you could also try slamming yr fingers in a door, will distract you from the toothpain ;) sorry about yr pain baby!!
  • Kids, don't ever get an abscessed tooth. It really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hurts. Seriously, if you've got "tooth abscess" on your Christmas list, cross it off right now! Anyway, I'm better now, thanks to the miracle of penicillin! I'm having a root canal next week! Oboy!
  • Ouchie. Been there. Don't forget to take your antibiotics, because bad things happen if you forget.