April 27, 2004
Brown does Potter:
Ian Brown, former Stone Roses' singer joins the cast of the 4th Harry Potter film, "playing a wizard with gold teeth."
harry potter and the elephant stone. heh
Turkmenbashi also stars, "playing a wizard who knocks out Ian Brown's gold teeth".
True story: I once got goosed by a guy on the train who was reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's whatever it is. First: Dude! And second: what's with half of normally adult America (gay goosey train guy excluded, obviously) so avidly reading juvenalia? Did we NOT work all that out in 8th grade when we finally put down Beverly Cleary for good or what?
Might not be true; can't think of any wizards mentioned in the books with gold teeth as an attribute, and if it's something added in, he could just be doing a very small cameo in one of the larger set pieces the film will encompass. Anyway, so far that's the only report of it at all, so I'd classify it firmly in the rumour category. Neat, though! HP isn't just juvenalia. Have you read the 5th book? Besides, I think the categories between adult and children literature are mostly false. When I was younger I read both classic "children's" literature as well as lots of "adult" literature, easily switching between the two. As I've grown up, I haven't felt the need to change those reading habits, as there is excellent quality in both categories and I'll read anything that I consider well-written. And I've never necessarily equated *about* kids as *for* kids. But - you were still reading Beverly Cleary in grade eight? Now there's some quality, quality kids' literature that definitely falls into the "about kids, for kids" category. Maybe you're just feeling bad since you seem to be behind the rest of us. I kid, I kid, but it was too easy of a shot to resist.
It was the damned undiagnosed ADHD, damnit! *sobs, retreats to closet with dogeared, margin-noted copy of Ramona Quimby, Age 8*
I'm not going to argue the case of HP as literature for the ages, but once you start reading one they are hard not to finish. But I know a lot of people who have a very low wizard threshold (mine is just large enough to fit harry and gandalf), and that is a perfectly understandable objection to the books.
although, i'm sure his teeth are eventually found to be not gold at all, but fool's gold. or maybe made of stone. i know. i know. i just wanna be adored.
*hides collection of Boxcar Children books under bed*