April 25, 2004

Dustbowl Photographs. Some amazing images. Via Plep.
  • Those are some great photos. The person walking in the dust storm stands out for me. Also the abandoned equipment buried under the dirt is also quite haunting. Nice thanks X!
  • And, the writing style is so cool - simple sentences, few commas, focused. I need to do better.
  • The people peeking through the car windows made me chuckle.
  • Nice to see a reminder that our little blue jewel is as stable as an epileptic Quaker on a dirt road. I'm not trying to shit in this thread, but does anyone else see those walls of dust and think that if that were happening today we'd be scrambling to implement the Kyoto Protocol?
  • Awesome
  • Duststorms -- never lived on the Great Plains, but experienced one nonetheless as a kid, when most of Texas/Oklahoma elevated and headed north, and this was around the Great Lakes in late 1940s-early 1950s. Pinkish clouds blotted the blue shy out, and then several days when everything we ate seemed to have been mixed with sand, but not nearly as much fun as picnicing at the beach. Only article I seem able to Google touching post-30s duststorms passing through that area is here.
  • Holy crap! Those are some incredible pictures. I hope I never get to see something like that coming at me.
  • Shit. We're screwed.
  • ...three billion tonnes of dust... Idea for new doomsday-horror flic: the seas turn into giant mudpies.
  • There is no natural force more destructive than getting that Kansas song "Dust in the Wind" stuck in your head.
  • Dust ... in the weend. All we are ees dust in the weend. *gags self with spoon*