April 23, 2004
Legal Battle of the Sexes.
Quick & dirty consent forms about what you will do and what you will *not* in bed.
*Sigh*. So romantic.
Soooo sarcastic.
Hm. I'm going to start taking copies of these out to bars.
Now *that's* convenient. ) !
Hmmmm, maybe that's my problem, I haven't tried to institute a contract yet... *rubs hands in futile anticipation*
Hmmm, since I've been married 30 years, is it too late to get one or more of these things signed? Oh, wait. I've been married 30 years. *sigh* Never mind.
I should have listened to everybody: "Lawyer! Become a lawyer! Have you ever seen a lawyer without a luxury car and a hot girl?"
My take on this is that it's actually a sociological study disguised as some web entertainment. But hey, I'm just suspicious.