April 19, 2004
How AT&T failed at Local Number Portability
Also know as, What Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong.
Very interesting story about how unprepared AT&T was for Local Number Portability. From sloppy code and poor project management, to their outsouce-at-all-cost mentality, to the customer service meltdown that LNP became. While not overly "technical", it does provide some valuable information on how not to run a project.
I suspect that it wasn't just AT&T that screwed this up either. I've heard horror stories across the board. I'm thinking there was resistence to the new law.
I dropped my regular contract plan in October and got a new pre-paid plan in February, so I guess I missed the worst of it. I actually had a pretty good customer service experience with the setup. That said, when I called in to renew my minutes, I had to wade through the touch tone maze, type in my credit card number, etc., then I was sent to a person, where I had to tell them my credit card information all over again. The next time I needed to renew my minutes, I decided to go through their website. I had to wade through 50 pages of FAQ before I found their prepaid customer login (you can't just go through their regular login, you need to use a special one). Having typed all that, I guess I'm not all that satisfied with my AT&T service (I haven't even mentioned the crappy sound quality, but that might be the phone). If I used more than two minutes a month and didn't need to buy a new phone, I'd probably consider leaving.
I used PacBell prepaid in the US, never had a problem. This sounds terrible.
Yup, they screwed up. What's new? COST OF SERVICE INCREASE. Who woulda thunk it?
trace, you haven't been in the States for some time, have you? PacBell was totally assimilated by SBC (Southwest Borg Corp.) a couple years ago.
The greatest failure of number portability.
Home Run Post, Jim! Timely topic, crisp copy; I've never heard of CIO Magazine-- I'm planning on checking them out!
I was going to argue this one with you, Wendell, but it just occurred to me I was signed up with SBC PacBell. :)
What a great insight into corporate blunders. Usually, we just reap the inconvenience, and never know why. I was also one of those people counting the days until I could move my number to another company (damn Sprint and their horrible customer service that led me to perform a three hour long sit-in at my local Sprint store until they fixed my phone). However, I was a little spooked by the potential bugginess of the portabilty thing myself and waited until March to actually switch. Yay Cingular!
number portability, bah. that's just fluff and hooey. what i want is for one of the US phone companies to take a cue from the european ones, and sell pre-paid sim cards for GSM phones. i have an old phone, my brother has no phone, i'd like to give him my old phone, but NOBODY sells pre-paid sim cards. just pre-paid phones. and i don't need another damn phone, i already have one. if i was in the UK i could buy a t-mobile pre-paid card at a corner store. the US t-mobile service has nothing so far. and why can't i go to a store and buy a new phone, without buying a phone plan? if i decide i don't like my land-line phone i can buy a cordless or a retro model or whatever, but i can't buy a cell phone anywhere unless i sign up for something. this is crap. the number of times they ask people to upgrade, there has got to be a huge pile of slightly used phones out there somewhere. and don't give me the "not compatible with our network" stuff, either - if i buy a non-GSM phone and try to use it with a GSM service it's my fault. and... um... yeah AT&T really screwed the pooch on that one.
3G MicroCells: AT&T Wants You to Pay Extra to Fix Their Own Failures