April 19, 2004
Date Jesus.
No, really. “This is a legitimate ad. I am highly spiritual, though not religious, and have often been called Jesus because of my appearance and powerful spirituality that I attempt to share with others.”
Irish need not apply. If you cannot commit to dating Jesus, perhaps you may wish to consider bathing with him instead.
Come on, rodgerd, enough with the self-links.
This was cooler back when he had NSFW pics with the bathing part... which is to say four years ago. /crotchety internet oldster
Careful Wolof, or I'll have to crack your head open between my mighty thews and feast on the delicious goo inside.
forks: Now he has visiting angels and nuns, old man.
I don't want to think about the delicious goo inside your mighty thews. But points for table manners, very smooth.
On not preview: I got rodgerd!
Jesus likes Burzum.
rodgerd: oh, my. that angel one goes into the vaults, fer shure.
If rodgerd wants to come around and crack my head open, the really scary thing will be the amount of beer we drink while discussing it.
Mmm. Beer. *goes to fridge*
Nobody fucks wit de Jesus. And beer sounds like a fine idea. Even though I am too fat from drinking too much Crown Lager this last weekend.
Aha! De Crown Lager, aldo mass-producd-ed, id a preddy good beer. /Warney, 500+ wickets
'bowled, Wolof! /Gilchrist
You lot are drunk. Definitely. Try not to fall into the haha on the way home.
rogerd is jesus?
Don't bite any dogs on the way home!
Wow. I mean, wow. That guys is creepy, yet it seems to work (with the angels and the nuns, anyway). Kinda wish I still had my jesus hair...
Nobody fucks wit de Jesus. Eight-year-olds, dude.
"No sinning, n00bie"
Dude, don't say "pigfucker" in front of Jesus! /southpark
I'm not Jesus. (Only the messiah would deny it!) And Weezel, if you have a big enough population of people, you can find anyone to do *anything*.