April 18, 2004

From an English woman working with the people injured in Fallujah. (Via Raed in the Middle)

There are several blogs by Iraqis out there. Some of them have supported the U. S. and some haven't. I've found it interesting that woman bloggers (Faisa and Riverbend) have been against it, even though they haven't longed for Saddam's return. While the men like Zeyed,

  • Since we're in Iraq, let's lock up the mayor of Umm Qasr!
  • Since we're in Iraq, maybe we should lock up the radioactive materials.
  • Sorry,but my lack of abilty to speak HTML cut my really lenghty post short. There are other Iraqi blogs which I wanted to show to you, so here they are without being clickable: http://iraqthemodel.blogspot.com/ http://messopotamian.blogspot.com/ http://iraqataglance.blogspot.com/ The men are all people who professed support for the actions by the US when we took Sadaam out, but they appear to be becoming weary of of the consequences of the actions of the US. This is so very sad. And, you know what, using HTML to post a link to a web site assumes that all of us are somehow into HTML. I'm not, nor will I ever be, but I'm not a loser just because I find it intimidating. There needs to be a better way for people like me to do this.
  • Crikey, path, nobody thinks you're a loser! And the first three links are fine. But we're unfortunately stuck with this HTML thing until something better comes along.
  • Wolof - sorry for getting so emotional, but why are we stuck with it? Do you know if anyone is working on something better? Sorry to derail my own post, but it is really frustrating for us geezers. So, anyway, back to the Iraq subject.
  • well, there's XHTML, but trust me; you want NO part of that action.
  • forks - yes, all i want is something that makes sense to a non techie. This may be a FPP question, but why is it that the current method of posting kind of keeps us regular folks out of the mix? Didn't anyone thind we'd like to participate? Never mind, Iraq is what's important.
  • path: There are some good, free WYWIWYG editors available that should be fairly easy to integrate into MoFi. It's a pony I'd like to give y'all whn I have some free time again (and I've sent Glorious Leader the info if she gets around to it before me).
  • path: The html link command is fairly simple - I didn't know how to link last November, or do any other HTML, but have since memorised it - [a(space)href="http://monkeyfilter.com/index.php"]Monkeyfilter[/a] (switching all the [ ] brackets to < and >, of course. The a href="put link here" is all that you have to remember - and you can always check again here. I think that HTML really is the most non-computer programmer friendly markup language - and I'm not even sure what a mark-up language is. Now I will use [small][/small] to avoid derailing too obviously. Small question though - anyone know how to do that neat titles trick for in-line links? I can never seem to remember
  • J, it's <a href="WHATEVAH" title="MORE WHATEVAH">SOME TEXT HEAH</a>.
  • path, geezer-hood not necessary for html frustrations. It must take me ten minutes to post in-line links 'cause I have to keep going back and checking in with FAQ to make sure I did it right, then preview and try clicking on the link before I even post comment. It amazes me when people are able and willing to put multiple links in their comments. So labor intensive!
  • Don't stress about the HTML -- we all can understand you fine, path, and it's no trouble to highlight a bit of text and copy-paste once in a while. That aside, and to put things back on topic, this is quite heartwrenching to read. I try my best to read both sides of the overall story of Fallujah with a grain of salt, because everyone adds their personal biases to events (yay postmodernism). I'd like to know a little more about the background of the writer in the first link: how did she come to be in Iraq, and was it her intention to be an activist there or did it just happen?
  • Jo Wilding's a British housemate of that same Raed who is a friend of of Salam Pax, author of blogsite Where's Raed and the same Raed featured in the blogsite's title. Raed Jarrar was sharing commentary on Pax's blog for a time -- now he has his own blog, Read in the Middle.
  • She appeared verry briefly on ABC news tonight.
  • (No transcript up yet, though.)
  • Josh Marshall received this email from a friend in Iraq.
    Dear Josh, I would like you to share with your readers that the four abducted Italian bodyguards worked for me. They were people I had brought in to provide close protection for my former company's contractors. Fabrizio, who was executed, was a great guy and it appears he died with honor, knowing what was about to happen. If the rumors are true that he stated "Cosi Morare Un Italiano - Here is how an Italian man dies" well it would be just like him ... all of the others Incusori, Bersagalieri, Alpini and other Italians have such honor filled sayings tattooed on their arms and chests ...
  • Wilding has posted an update.