December 06, 2003

The End. [Flash, Long Load, sorry!]

Friday flash, or early Saturday now, in Monkeyland. (Link from Alex, thanks!)

  • Dang, that would have been a better looking FPP if I had put the flash warning in the link description. And I think I misspelled Australia. Sorry, very, very sorry!
  • I like
  • This is the coolest Flash cartoon ever. possibility of long wait, if you suck
  • BBF3, that scares me bad...
  • that was great jb.
  • Ok, Blaise. I think I get it. It's like it was made by Brak. But still, I think The End is better. And that's all I've got to say about that.
  • What's to get? It's art, baby.
  • But I am le tired!
  • Ah, a good place to rest a bit and do a bit more work. *light a cigar in violation of the non-smoking ban a few posts ago and waits for Medusa...or other folks at this point, who knows?*
  • Speaking of which, the next time someone has the insane idea to traipse about the myriad posts of MoFi, perhaps they can just do every 50, or every prime number, or something like that.
  • had to stop 'n eat some food, weak wif hunger...
  • HEY IT'S THE END HOORAYHOORAYHOORAY!!! I think we all deserve a prize! Like a big trophy! Yeah, a big gold trophy with handles and a little monkey guy at the top. Or perhaps we should all be banned!
  • And goddammit BearGuy, this had better be the last one for real.
  • Seriously. Alright, I'm pushing the Newer button. I'd better be greeted by a pristine 2 year old post.