April 06, 2004

The power of databases - Reason, a libertarian magazine, decides to show what databases can do by individualzing each cover for subscribers with a satellite photo of their house. (NY Times link) via kottke.org
  • 1) Wow. 2) The article in question, about the benefits of databases, doesn't exactly sit easily with the picture of the persons home and the headline ", They know where you are!" 3) "What if you received a magazine that only had stories and ads that you were interested in and pertained to you?" he asked. "That would be a magazine that everyone would want to read." Whilst this is, in theory, an interesting idea, it has a number of disadvantages. "Hey, Bob, you got the new issue of Reason?" "Yeah." "Have you checked out the article on immigration? Page forty seven?" "Uh... All I've got is a recipe for chicken casserole. Obviously I'm not interested in immigration." Still, this kind of idea, with a less heavy-handed application, could have some interesting implications.
  • Blaise, I was wondering about that myself. Take amazon.com and Tivo for example--just imagining a magazine that would cater to the interests they think I have makes me shudder uncontrollably.
  • What if you received a magazine that only had stories and ads that you were interested in and pertained to you... Heh...it's called my Blogroll (or, alternately, my Bookmarks/Favorites).