April 06, 2004

Our Jokester Whitehouse What two words would you least like to hear during a white house press briefing? How about "April Fool's"?
  • Personally, I'd be much more upset to hear words that involve "Iraq quagmire," or "anti-civil rights constitutional amendment" or "tax cuts for the rich" or perhaps "no environmental regulations." Or how about "9/11 comission stonewalling" or "plame investigation stonewaling," or "energy task force report stonewalling." In fact, when I hear words about "class warfare" and "flip-flopping," or "revisionist history" that's what gets me upset. That the white house has a sense of humor about how incompetent its boss is, that actually kind of strikes me as a little refreshing.
  • I'm torn—tmb48 is right that it is rather refreshing to see a sense of humanity and connection to reality from the White House staff. On the other hand, this is a really serious issue, and they're still lying to us. But I'll be optimistic, and just laugh. That's what always ends up happening when I read transcripts with dear ol' Scott.
  • i like "activist judges"...
  • President Ashcroft, Martial law, or Look, zombies!
  • tmb48 : ah, but if we heard those phrases, then they'd actually be answering questions. Optimism. Pass it on I think Pez's suggestions are the worst possible, with "Zombie President Ashcroft declares Martial Law" being a trifecta of horror.
  • "whether it's terrorism; whether it's going after rogue states, or confronting rogue states that seek weapons of mass destruction or have weapons of mass destruction; whether it's addressing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; or missile defense, or other priorities. You need to keep in mind that [...] it's not necessarily an either/or proposition here. These aren't mutually exclusive. Confronting one can help us address the other." See, it was okay to go after Iraq, because they were a 'rogue state'. That helps us to confront terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction, even if they didn't actually have any themselves. Thank goodness they've cleared that up.
  • I think you really need to reconsider your stances on the zombie issue. Come on, Zombie Prez? Or, President under siege from zombies? (I don't see that happening since they prefer to seek out ~brains~, but...) Think of the comic gold from that! I think zombie is the new pirate. Anyway, didn't mean to undermine your gravitas, Sandspider.
  • don't know about what i don't want to hear, but i would love to hear "ok, the president is going to take a few questions" a hell of a lot more often. why isn't anyone giving bush more shit about this? he takes an average of one unscripted question a year or something. isn't the prez supposed to be accountable and available to the people he works for (that is, anyone with US citizenship)?
  • Not to worry, jjray, I was kind of disappointed with myself for not adequately addressing the zombie menace.
  • oh, just to clarify, don't take that as bush-bashing, either. i don't care who the prez is - if we're attacked, then go to war, then invade one or two other countries, i'd expect a hell of a lot more than 10 press conferences from any president over a 3.5 year period. heck, ol' slick willy had more than ten conferences just talkin' about his, uh, willy.
  • Scott nearly lost it a few times giving (non)answers to questions by Helen Thomas. Scott is going to end up like the guy from Scanners.
  • frogs I don't know what the hell is going on. The press have been spineless for this hole administration. Hell they gave Clinton a worse time over a bj than they're giving W about the war. Ludicrous lickspittle losers. (Lovely!)
  • Sullivan: I think that happens when the zombies microwave the brains of their victims, like a microwave burrito. The thing is, it's tough eating peoples' brains raw these days what with all the prion stuff going around. Really hurting the zombie community, that.
  • Zombies?
  • so, how bout we add an amendment making all undead citizens of the united states unfit to serve as president?
  • so, how bout we add an amendment making all undead citizens of the united states unfit to serve as president? First They Came for the Zombies First they came for the Zombies and I did not speak out because I was not a Zombie. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
  • America don't need no Zombies, Communists or Trade Unionists.
  • The non-vital could form a mighty large voting block. As luck would have it however, many zombies forget to register their new status as non-vitals and so are ineligible to vote.
  • I see that my view of the zombie constituency needs more elucidation. Here is an example of a voter's registration for a "mundane" dead. I suspect a similar document for the undead would be sufficient. Ok, I'll stop beating this (un)dead horse. For now.
  • Hell, dead people vote all the time in Miami.
  • I think we're being a little careless of the feelings of any zombies who may be members of MonkeyFilter, don't you?
  • If killing zombies (or at least insulting them) is wrong, I don't want to be right.