April 05, 2004
The Penny Arcade Remix Project.
An English teacher in Japan, with three idle weeks left in the school year, has his students create their own Penny Arcade strips, with hilarious results.
(via the inimitable del.icio.us)
Good lord, this is funny stuff. bananas to you, pmdboi.
Hmm... now I feel bad for linking to the site when the server is being hammered so hard. Be sure to make a donation!
Oh man! I love it. Especially the Nancy one: "Is this Nancy?" "No, it's a mail-box." Can't believe I read every single one. Anybody donating to this guy?
"I am... Yakuza!" is the best pickup line I have ever heard. Who wouldn't want to date a Yakuza?
Anybody donating to this guy? I donated a dollar. I would donate more (and Mr. Vestal, the English teacher, certainly deserves it), but I have both the excuse and the burden of being a poor college student.
pmdboi has a high popularity among young people. Hi-larious!
(lips moving/words not synched banana)
Wish I could see these. I knew the link was destined to crash when I tried to go earlier, having seen the link on PA.