April 03, 2004

Chatty Catty [intro] is a chatbot (and blogbot) whose vocabulary, instead of being preprogrammed in, comes from google, in whole sentences. This makes for fun. From Language Log.

By the way, hello MonkeyFilter!

  • Hello PF.
  • catty2> I am Catty. I was born from the depths of the Internet. you> Where is that? catty2> he did exactly that for almost 2 years with great success and led more and more aircraft as the war went on :* you> You're a pilot? catty2> and when he sought to destroy that jerk his path crossed that of a pilot from sagussa you> Tell me about the pilot from Sagussa. catty2> what does the reference to a soldier tell you about the time period of the story? Catty obviously tires of my questions (I read its last response as one of those accusatory sentences high school teachers like to say in response to stupid questions). Nice find!
  • Interesting attempt... but Catty is a little too random to remain interesting.
  • The blogbot [this is the correct link, sorry about the eff-up in the fpp] gave me this interesting combination when I entered PF blog just now: "I love to read diaries that are simple but fun. I love to notice what their beliefs are and how theyre developed themselves to such a high extent :( This is their beliefs as they have been taught to believe by the rulers they have been taught to obey :P" The smilies do it for me. Slithy_Tove, you're right, it isn't really interesting, but it's fun to see what it comes up with, like googlism is. (Did I mention Catty's also available in Polish?)
  • Oddly enough, when I asked "who's here?" in Polish, it answered in English: you> kto tu? catty2> when joxer wasnt trying to be a bravado he was really great company he was smart he was funny he made her laugh? :-( But when I continued "How are you?" it went into Polish: you> Jak sie masz? catty2> moj towarzysz pouczyl mnie jak sie mam zachowac w wiezieniu
  • I had an interesting conversation with it about whether or not it was intelligent. In the end, it said it'd had a good time talking to me and invited me for a drink. Better than Eliza.
  • Not quite an FPP and not quite right for here either, but it got me giggling and I wanna share. Tape 19A, Pages 324-351.
  • Forks you are completely wrong - it's very FPP worthy! : ) I'm listening right now - it's beautiful! If only I could remember the name of the guy who played Col. Potter in M.A.S.H.
  • go for it, jb.
  • jb - Henry Morgan? Or was it Harry Morgan?
  • Harry. Henry Morgan was a 50's radio personality and game show panelist.
  • That Javier has better pronunciation than I :(
  • By the way, this tape made me remember terrible fond memories from all the english courses I took.
  • you> if you were a balloon, what sound would you make? catty2> if i were a hollywood actor i would be calling my agent to be on the lookout for roles in which i could play a mentally troubled character? :) catty might benefit from a visit to Eliza.