September 10, 2012
NASA are getting ready to launch three satellites the size of coffee mugs, that will be controllable by mobile phone apps. Apps are too near-sighted, unfortunately, to control a coffee mug in outer space. Or so I admonish. I could go on, but, oh heck, why bother? The learning curve is too daunting...
Why are we letting apes control satellites? Has NASA been cutting positions again?
Apes are people too.
MonkeyFilter: "There's an ape for that!"
tagline changed
Hee hee!
So now number two could write some snippet of code that picks up a random tagline from any comments in the whole filter (which are spelt "Monkeyfilter: ...") and drops it into the front page every day. Like any of these gems.
I wouldn't go that far... I think a little human intervention in the selection would be prudent. But a Tagline Randomizer is never really a bad thing... I was sorry the Big Blue got too serious for theirs. (Note, there is a size limit, especially on the first line - that's an inserted linebreak to prevent overlapping the tail of the F - More Than You Need To Know! A Public Service of the Foop)
I suggested it to #2 and he was...not keen :-) Could be easy to abuse, or misinterpret: if you ask it to search for "Monkeyfilter:" it will get some results pulled from context. Maybe as a sideline thing though...because it would be funny.
I agree pulling Monkeyfilter: from posts would be problematic. Perhaps pulling from an abridged wiki might work a bit better? I love all our taglines, but you must admit, some of these without context are a bit...easy to misunderstand. Yes, sidebar feature, please!!! With or without attribution is fine with me. After all, we are a collective genius. Metafilter: we are a collective genius.
Yeah, if you add all out IQ scores together...
add all out IQ... Well, the scores of people who can spell, at least. SNARK!!
The Edge of Reality
Warren Ellis: My Last Column About the Presidential Election (Really)