August 02, 2012
Ah ha! It be known a moderne rooster layeth egg when no hens betide. Now, according history, but a toad be wanting for a basilisk to hatch presently.
A very unpleasant sounding beast indeed. Considering the kinship of reptiles and birds such an apparent mix doesn't surprise me, nor the superstition. What vestigial mutant could it have been? Pliny was not a renowned expert on nature was he?
Cryptids spotlighted in a text viewed as the foundation of modern zoology
If pelicans proved true then there is hope for those sirens yet.
Sketches of Biological Mythology
The evolutionary history of dragons, illustrated by a scientist
Oh, I do want! I know a biologist that deserves this for Christmas.
How to Kill a Dragon
CUTE animation!!
via I am becoming an attribution pedant, I know.
Pow foop! To the moon!
A Medieval Bestiary: When a book breaks your heart
When Medical Literature Included Unicorns
Carl Linnaeus Debunked A Rumored Hydra Corpse
...claws came from weasels... Weasels, man, weasles! Now how inventive is that?