January 01, 2012
The Philosoraptor Song
a little ditty so trivial, its creator pre-apologizes for it. Enjoy.
"If one is born deaf, what language does one think in?" I find this to be an interesting question. Obviously, that person doesn't think in any language. I think that most of my thinking is probably not done in any language, and that is obviously how deaf people would probably think all the time. But sometimes I definitely do think in a language (English, obviously). I wonder how much that helps me to organize my thoughts and form arguments. Does the inability to use language to construct thoughts limit the intellectual capability of deaf people somehow? I have no answer. I guess I'll have to think about it.
The deaf think in sign language instead of tonal language, and seem to think on the same side of the brain we hearing people use for language. Playing a musical instrument would give us some of that nonverbal thinking too, except maybe using both sides of the brain. So it is different.
What if the deaf don't know sign language? Or do all deaf people typically learn it?
I love that people who create silly things get to put them on the internet. It gives encouragement to people who prolly wouldn't have any otherwise.