December 16, 2011
Photographic Evidence: The Grossest Things
To determine just what is the grossest sight, Valerie Curtis, the director of the Hygiene Center at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine devised a truly gruesome experiment. Curtis and a team of researchers presented 20 images of things perceived as repulsive to more than 80,000 individuals from 172 countries during a web-based survey.
I had a hard time figuring out how to get to the pictures. You have to hit the "next" button above the grossed out woman. The first few didn't really gross me out much, but the final two sure grossed me out.
I've seen grocer things... cabbages, broccoli, Brussel Sprouts!!!
*clicks "like"*
So. The threat of infection is paramount for gross-out. I agree. But in the far, far future, on the planet Dune, things may be strangely different, as with Baron Harkonnen.
20 things are not a Gross. Not even two dozen.
Non-gross + maggots = gross