February 19, 2011
Xenolinguistics has been traditionally linked to psychedelics. Dr. John C. Lilly was an earlier pioneer with dolphin communications. He had a keyboard to interface with them, but we're still waiting for the dolphin Ray Charles to surface.
Wouldn't it be ugly if dolphins were into pop and bubble gum?
It's worse than that, you know.
Dolphin diplomacy
Dolphin detects electric fields with ex-whisker pits
Do Dolphins Speak Whale in Their Sleep?
When meeting up at sea, bottlenose dolphins exchange name-like whistles
Same gene linked to bigger brains of dolphins and primates
'In the Water, a Supercomputer and a Population of Dolphins'
Killer Ukrainian dolphins on the loose
Drones Over Dolphin Stampede and Whales off Dana Point and Maui
Dolphin Whistle Translator Interprets Dolphin Sounds to Human Speech Live for the First Time
Checking the Claim: A Device That Translates Dolphin Sounds Into English
The Story of One Whale Who Tried to Bridge the Linguistic Divide Between Animals and Humans: While captive in a Navy program, a beluga whale named Noc began to mimic human speech. What was behind his attempt to talk to us?