February 17, 2011

Don't Fear the Reaper on Discworld From the So Bad It's Good department: a fan-made video of the Classic Rock staple using scenes from a lamely-animated version of Terry Pratchett's "Soul Music" that made the personification of Death look like Skeletor from He-Man.
  • I LUBS ME SOME PRATCHETT!!!! Had been wanting to read his books, and made a point to pick some up prior to my knee replacement after Christmas. I'm totally addicted! (the books are even better without being on oxycodone) That said, I don't particularly like the video--Death with fingernails? Susan Sto Lit inherited her dark streak from her mother? I thought that came about from living with Death? Mort and Albert look nothing like I visualize them. The representation of Death's office wasn't bad, though. I've got a gift card to Barnes and Noble, and tomorrow I'm off to pick up a couple more Pratchett. Maybe Witches Abroad, Small Gods, Wyrd Sisters, & Equal Rites. My favorite minor character? Gotta be Death of Rats. Here's hoping Terry stays well and can toss out another few books!! Or just stays well enough to enjoy life for a bit longer. For any Pratchetteer who might be interested: The Annotated Pratchett
  • Oh yeah, and right now I could just MURDER a curry!
  • Jealous jealous jealous. That much never read before Pratchett in one place. Wonderful. (agree about Death's office). Hope the knee surgery has gone well BH