December 30, 2010
I saw the best mmiinnddss of my ggeenneerraattiioonn...
If you like can tolerate "Magic Eye" stereograms and their eye-crossing effects, check out this rather literary variation: Stereoptic Poetry from musician/webcomicker/guy-with-a-chicken-on-his-head Wayne Myers
spoiler: popping out from the poem are the words "from - slowly fading - screens - struggles - distract - now - you - know - deeper truths"
I can do 'this. - I can do this'.
I can do 'this. - I can do this'.
I can do 'this. - I can do this'.
I can do 'this. - I can do this'.
You need an "ampersand nbsp semicolon". (Non-breaking space) to force MoFi and html to leave more than one space. ------------------------------ I can do this. - I can do this. I can do this.- I can do this . I can do this. - I can dothis. I can do this. - I can do this. ------------------------------