November 04, 2010

Animal Pictures of the Week 29-October-2010. From The Telegraph
  • The whiskers on the emperor tamarin seems as ornate as any moustache in human competitions.
  • *squints eyes, asks suspiciously:* Are you aiming for the sqeee factor here??
  • Well, there ain't no fluffy bunnies.
  • Hush, now, islander! *fears this thread, like so many in the past, will become babytalk-riddled and kitten-plagued*
  • Bestiary Earle Birney an arkfull she is of undulant creatures a cinnamon bearcub curled in a warm ball thinking of honey & berries nuts roots or even grass jelly for supper a sturdy raccoon too with marked eyes & dexterous forepaws very frequent to bathe & a bandit of ice cream who sleeps a lot with one slow hindpaw poking most modestly out or a shy bobcat coloured olive-brown or maybe pale gold with round slipper-fur feet on which she sits very quiet and so thoughtful beside her leafy plants she is sometimes invisible though very much there she can be an ochre squirrel as well sinuous & all compact alert & frisky & away & back like a dream & whatever creature she is its peaceful emissary most faithful & most loving What's wrong with a plague of felines? I have a warm, purring infestation on my lap right now.
  • No objections whatsoever to cats. Though stepping barefoot on a cold wet hairball can be startling. Hive had a surfeit of the tedious babytalk and the false saccharinity accompanying it.