October 06, 2010

Batman Branding So there have been (at least) 25 different versions of Batman's bat insignia and all of them are totally, obviously Batman. I'd say some of the people trying to design new logos must be pounding their heads against something over that fact.

via Quipsologies the coolest design blog EVAH where I also found the Number Brand Quiz and the Screen Gems Logo Is Evil video.

  • I never realized there were that many different bat insignias. Some are more memorable (or scary) than others. The website's nifty, the quiz was fun, (although I'm teh sucks at that stuff, because I never pay attention to advertising) but that video was just dumb.
  • In that first link, some silhouettes look more like those of owls than bats, at least they look so to my eye. Seems 50 sorts of owl wear feather tufts on their heads, no one's sure why.
  • bees, I think the link's borked. Anyone else find it so?
  • Might try and take the first option listed, BlueHorse, for July 14, 2008.
  • Ah ha! That worked. Actually, ear tufts are a sartorial style that works on owls, but not on this guy:
  • How long has beeswacky been back? I didn't even notice. Do I have to start rhyming my comments? Does this mean that SideDish is not far behind?
  • Children no longer look glum, desist from that sucking of thumb. Bees's starting to hum, but Pete Best "keeps mum"... He's waiting for Renault and TUM. (I miss The Underpants!)
  • Who in the world rhymes all of the lines of a limerick? Have you no respect for rules?
  • stopped sucking my thumb and said drat you're a most abominable brat eat my hat not a bat or that grey tabbycat lest ye grow pachydermically ever more squirmically as the worm turnsically fat
  • Batman at the Olympics. I love this guy. His kid brother loves Batman. And he wears a Superman ring.
  • The rhymes of a limeric may, go A-A and B-B then A. But no one can say, Ped-dan-ti-ca-lay, That the Bees are not equal to Hay.
  • The rules to make true Limericks Are not immune to certain tricks But the syllables six In the two lines betwixt Are most vulnerable to corny schticks.
  • there was an old man with a dictionary who said he was never a missionary he was anapestiferous and as highly odoriferous as diapers unchanged in a nursery
  • bees!
  • bees bees bees!
  • mct! greetings to thee! I know I should equally refrain from writing stool and stool stool! again
  • There once was a man from East Orange ...? Well that's as far as I got, anyone else want to take a stab at it?
  • I'm not sure about line 2, but line 3 is "His belt made of silver,"
  • There was an Old Man in a boat, Who said, 'I'm afloat, I'm afloat!' When they said, 'No! you ain't!' He was ready to faint, That unhappy Old Man in a boat. --Edward Lear The limerick stanza predated Lear. Otherwise we should call it a Lear-ic.
  • There once was a man from East Orange Who went from his home to The Blorenge There he traded his coins of silver for a lovely little chilver, and it's name was Angela, or "Ang".
  • There was an old man with a lur Whose musical gifts were obscure, When they said, Stop! don't play! He refused to obey -- Now he plays as a lone troubadour.
  • islander - nice recovery. Now do "purple"! (It's my baby boy's favorite color, because so far it's the only color name he can say. Silly little guy.)
  • Hey, it's caution! Hi buddy!! *waves madly at the frogs, and gootchy-goos at the tadpole*
  • )))!!! Aye, the haunted expression of Bent Cigarette Man has put me in the mood for Halloween.
  • Halloween collie is depressed. Few are the collies who enjoy being costumed. Even fewer are the cats.