September 02, 2010

  • Endorsed by Trackrackens everywhere!
  • It's freaking me out.
  • Somebody notify that cortex guy from the other Filter; we need some "LOL BUTTS". For the record, the only butts I am "anti" are those that are shoved in my face, and those are rarely monkeys.
  • I use that stuff!! Thought I was the only one, since everyone comments about it. But then, I use this stuff, too. Very soothing and healing for cracked, dry footsies in the winter.
  • Bag, as in scrotum, balm?
  • Bag, as in milk bag, balm. Bag Balm was developed as a salve for cows udders. Cows can get chapped, dry, cracked or frostburned udders, and all that can affect milk production. People use it on dry skin, diaper rash, psoriasis, and eczema. I find it gives a warming sensation to my feet that I particularly appreciate in the winter. If you try it on your...bag, I guarantee it will be soft and smooth in a day or two.