July 12, 2010

It flies, it drives. The Transition by Terrafugia: simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home!
  • This is still a long way from the jetcar Popular Mechanics promised me oh so long ago but it's a good start. Anyone have an extra $194,000 laying around they aren't using? Me want!!
  • Just as long as you don't have to stop for milk on the way home. They* love to break antennas and steal logos, and can't even keep their grubby fingers off my dirty 2004 pickup, let alone touching your flying car. *You damn kids get off my parking lot!!
  • More of a "driving plane" than a "flying car".
  • Now for those who don't want a car or a plane, how about a backpack to make you into a flying hiker?
  • My goodness, what a boy-boy-boy-fellow-fellow-boy-boy that pretty ad was.