June 02, 2010

Imagine if ads in the US were like this. Vive la France!
  • *sniff* Je veux dire a tous le Monkeyfilter que j'aime les hommes. Merci McDonald's. I'm lovin' it!
  • Yeah, I attended an all-boys high school in the '70s; the worst thing the bullies could call you was "gay", and I got that often. My 2nd best friend there was gay but well closeted until he was safely away from that place. I was able to shrug it off since I was a member of the school band, which went on long bus rides to march in parades... with a drill team from an all-girls school. It was no shame to sit in the back of the bus there; with the marching uniforms hanging behind the seats, you got the most privacy. If the jocks only knew what the band geeks were doing... But I digress... badly. Sweet ad, sweet message, told well, Le Mickey D's... but I still have to worry about the drama when Dad learns The Truth. Or is that just an American thing?
  • Ah, toujours gai, toujours gay!
  • I don't think we have to worry about ads like this in the US for some time. Here, Tampax ads get banned if they use the word "period". Oh, apocalypse, when shall we cross over from pre to post?
  • Here, Tampax ads get banned if they use the word "period" .... Um. What word do they use?
  • Hmmm. I know a lot of women who call it a pain in the asterisk.
  • Things like "Your sinful flow" or "Eve's Punishment Discharge" are ok. Anything that alludes to it being anything but natural. Blue liquid for demonstration purposes only, please. Ahmerrikka! Vatt a coontry!
  • I'll take le Big Mac!
  • Cheese-guy, what's really amazing about that parody is that there were no nasty comments posted. I seldom read more than one or two of them, but went through all eight pages in awe. No snark. Imagine! (oh, yeah. I LOLed)
  • Aha! BlueHorse posted too soon!
    # uraine7626 1 week ago Who's cares if homophobes hate homosexuals? I mean really who cares! BOBSTERXXXX 1 day ago @uraine7626 You are all over YouTube making people hating gays, in fact you are hoping that people would hate gays. You are one disturbed ass licking morron!
    Yep, it's just a matter of time before any Youtube video comment thread will take a downward turn.
  • Well, yah, should have known. Can't keep a good troll/jerk down outta a comments section.