June 02, 2010

Lego printer.
  • My eyes darned near bugged out when I saw what the Lego printer was using to print - a felt-tip marker!
  • Nice! I liked the guys riding on top, on a see-saw, for the pen-up/pen-down action. I think any off the shelf ink-jet printer would be improved by adding a little smiling lego guy riding along on the ink cartridge.
  • *has nerdgasm, heads assplode, dies*
  • I. Want. Too cool for words. Just constructing a printer would have been radical, but all the extra little construction/printer workers on top is amazing. And the cost of markers is so much cheaper than ink cartridges. Remember folks, ANYTHING is improved with added horses!
  • I have a large bin of lego in the basement, time on my hands and a broken printer. Hmmmmmm. Sadly, not being mechanically inclined I think it would be prudent to just go get one. However, I might see about fitting some workers on the new printer. Have glue gun will travel!