March 30, 2004
i feel a pain in the breadbasket.
Red, White, and Blue caption text! One-of-a-kind Patton sketches! Solicitations for more such sketches, delivered in the institutional passive tense! Membership in the Patton Society! Leadership Secrets of Attila the Patthun! I am overwhelmed. [George C. Scott in the role of the banana]
Reads like imitations of Kipling and Crane. I'm glad he didn't quit his day job. Intersting link. [banana]
This got me thinking about the movie Patton... goodbye three hours of my life. Thanks a lot
Not Kipling, I think, Slithy_Tove, so much as Robert Servive, but Paton seems to lack the balladeer's touch (among his other lacks).
Ugh, not quite as bad as McGonagall, but getting there.
Interesting link. Not quite in the same league as An Irish Airman Forsees His Death.