May 06, 2010

Sock Dreams . Who knew?
  • Puts my semi-annual purchase of a 6 pack of gray tube socks to shame. Reminds me of a classic MoFi post too. and where the heck is Hank Mabuse lately?
  • I'd hoped this would be a site in which people would post stories of dreams where socks played a prominent role, hopefully anonymously. Not that I'd have anything to contribute to such a site, except for that Argyle nightmare...
  • Wot! no meggings?
  • Show Mom you love her by gifting her with what you love as well! *That* old trick - I think she's onto me. And if I catch the person responsible for making popular "gift" as a verb, why, I'll sock them! Yes, I know it's in the OED, thanks.
  • I'm wearing socks from Sock Dreams right now.
  • I would like you to gift me first, ticky! Shall I pick out my socks now or later?
  • Where's Nostril/Chyren/Mabuse? or ?? Why did I laugh tonight? No voice will tell Why did I laugh tonight? No voice will tell No God, no demon of severe response Deigns to reply from heaven or from hell Then to my human heart I turn at once: Heart, thou and I are here, sad and alone, Say, why did I laugh? O mortal pain! O darkness! darkness! Forever must I moan To question heaven and hell and heart in vain? Why did I laugh? I know this being's lease My fancy to it's utmost blisses spreads Yet would I on this very midnight cease And all the world's gaudy ensigns see in shreds Verse, fame and beauty are intense indeed But death intenser, death is life's high meed. --John Keats