March 30, 2004

Alistair Cooke dead at 95. I loved his Letter from America, which you could hear on the BBC World Service. More insightful than anything you'll find in the US. I'm going to really miss this guy. I think I'm getting choked up.
  • "Welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre . . .I'm Alistair Cookie". . . heh, flattery is the ultimate . . form . of muppet.
  • Yes, it's a sad day indeed.
  • He'll be missed, no one else with his particular and individual style left.
  • . Words never suffice, on the brink of sadness.
  • I'm still sad about Mr. Rodgers. I'm not sure I'll ever get over that.
  • And Peter Ustinov just the day before, too. All the storytellers are going. So sad.
  • Peter Ustinov is dead??? Sorry, I have to go now...*sob*
  • Here's a half-decent obituary on Sir Peter Ustinov. I'd forgotten he was in Logan's Run.
  • My heart is breaking too, Alnedra. I liked Alistair Cooke, missed him terrbly from Masterpiece Theatre (he made it so classy), but wanted Peter Ustinov to be my uncle - or king, but not emperor.
  • He had a lovely voice. And an absolutely brilliant smile. Have the urge to run to a rooftop and shake my fist at the heavens, crying, "Damn you! Do you have to take them all at once!"