April 16, 2010

U-2 Icon Bob Bogash has some great stories from his working life, like Kelly Johnson and the U-2 Dragon Lady and he's keeping himself busy in his retirement with The Hunt for a Boeing B-314 Flying Boat.
  • The "Kelly Johnson and the U-2 Dragon Lady" link is a horribly-designed 90's-era Web site. It's a bunch of content all on one page that froze up my browser for almost a full minute. Booo.
  • That U-2 is a beautiful airplane.
  • That U-2 has wings that are way too long. There is no need for that. I could save the government millions just by shortening those wings.
  • Great stories! Two Martin Mars flying boats of similar size and from the same era as the Boeing 314 are still flying today as water bombers, based close to where I live. I've seen them in action and they're an awesome sight.
  • based close to where I live. I've seen them in action and they're an awesome sight. I'm jealous.