April 15, 2010

The Alot is Better Than You at Everything.
  • Thanks for posting this. I like to read alot everyday.
  • Your site is alot of fun!
  • homunculus, we like how you start alot of threads. (An "Alot of threads" is a well dressed alot, and you start it with the crank handle, like a model T ford).
  • I wonder if they're related to the axolotl.
  • Office Map Alot of axolotl babies
  • Alotl squee!
  • Homunculus helps MoFi make the most out of its daily bandwidth allotment.
  • Okay, I admit it. I screw up alot.
  • I can totally relate to what this person is saying. Grammatical and spelling shortcuts lead directly to grammatical and spelling mistakes and ineptitude. I always spell out "you" even if I am peeing in the snow.
  • So if I make grammar errors on MonkeyFilter, would you call that a general case of ineeep-titude? I do occasionally make errors. Not alot, but....