March 14, 2010
Star Wars as Icelandic saga
- There is also an Old High German palimpsest known to scholars, later overwritten by a Latin choral and only partly legible to us today, which contains fragments of a version wherein “Veitare” survives to old age after slaying “Lûc” out of loyalty to the emperor, but is naturally still conflicted about the deed when the son of his daughter Leia avenges the killing on him.
The plot and main names work pretty well for Star Wars. They did add the blowing up of an inhabited planet though, probably to replace the raping and pillaging parts and get a PG rating.
Obligatory - Njorl's Saga
This is so unfathomably brilliantly amazingly gloriously awesome. Thank you for the link, polychrome! )))
"Star Wars" As Medieval Manuscripts
Aaand this is why the MoFi never-closing threads are amazing. Missed this the first time round. Phenomenal links all round.