March 30, 2004

Intifada Snapshot A discerning view from ground level at the state of the Isreali-Palestinian conflict at this instant.
  • Thanks, but I'm really trying to keep the tripe out of my diet.
  • Excellent - though disheartening - article. Both sides have done so much hurt to each other, and still can't see the mutual pain. Sometimes I have wondered if the Temple Mount ought to be simply destroyed. Better that we lose those treasures than that the war goes on. But I don't imagine it would do much good, now that the hate is so deeply ingrained. Now that I am thoroughly depressed, can anyone think of a situation of mutual hate and distrust as bad as this that has gotten better?
  • Christ almighty, could you please try to at least spell ISRAEL the proper way in the FPP?
  • Wow! Clam down, naxo. We al makee speling mistkes. And prewiev isnt' enouh alwais.
  • Keepin' it Isreal. Keepin' it Isstreet. Nax just beat al-Nedra to it.
  • This isreal-ly an egregious error.
  • You are being touch...OUCH! No need to beat my hands with that ruler!
  • Hmmm, knew this post might be unavoidably contentious, but not in the ways exhibited.
  • The spelling police never sleep, Nal. And they anger easily. If you ever spell Britain Britian I'll be coming for you. Yours sincerely, dng, International Spelling Police Sergeant, England
  • No worries, dng.....most people spell Britain: E-N-G-L-A-N-D.
  • Thats alright - that only angers the Scottish and the Welsh, and no one cares about those little guys...
  • It's ok, I thought I'd give everybody a break yesterday from my pedantry. (Why does pedantry sound to me like it has something to do with molesting children??) Actually, it's cos I didn't look at this post at all. Sorry, Nal.
  • pedantry reminds one of molesting children because is paedophile in the UK and some scientific/psychiatric journals. comes from when the a & e were hooked together as one letter...kinda. / i'm still glad to know how to spell israel properly.
  • pendanty, pederastry, it's all the same to me, Alnedra. (Sometimes, the "glassing the area over" solution has a certain reprehensible charm...)