January 02, 2010

Octopus with Shoes Keep on Truckin'
  • Cute critters! Dumbo pusses.
  • If we discovered something that looked like that on another planet we'd all be amazed/ disgusted/ enthralled/ afraid/ excited. Then we'd try to study it, communicate with it, understand it and eventually start a war with it. But because it's on this planet we're sort of "dumbo with shoes? meh...".
  • That's right, BlueHorse.
  • Now wait a minute. Hank just posted this today, and already there are "no new posts" logged on the sidebar, and he is not given credit for making a new post in his profile either. How short an attention span are we gifted with? Shouldn't monkeydom's fearless leader tweek the criteria up just a tad? Just a suggestion...
  • I believe he's wearing Crocs.
  • Nanner-puss That is all.
  • Hank has special status as a stealth poster.
  • How short an attention span are we gifted with? Some of us are more 'gifted' than others.
  • Cool forum!
  • And a fool quorum, as well! :-)
  • And not a foul corm!
  • Those people way over there with short attention spans? Not gonna call for 'em
  • Whatever.
  • Ah ha ha ha ha! Very witty, Wilde.
  • I only had a short stop-over in New Zealand, the one time. Looks good! Guess that's pretty close to where Bob Crumb's octopuses truck around...
  • I like cheese.
  • That is cute.
  • 2nd vote for teh cute. If you can't have slippers, how about a hat?
  • Those are supposed to be shoes (gif stolen from Chyren and Messed With).
  • They look like little green sunglasses and he can't decide which ones to wear. Or maybe a pea pod he's broken in half and playing spaceships with. VWOOSH VWOOM PEW PEW Comedy salt & pepper shakers in the shape of bikini tops?
  • Obviously shoes! I get a kick out of that every time I come into this thread. Grimpoteuthis Can't we call him Grim Pot for short?
  • Grim Pot the Peripatetic.
  • Grim Pot the benthic mollusc. Or, anagrammatically, cherubic limpet molts thong.
  • Walla Walla doesn't like octopusses Pic here I'm Wrestling with an Octopus Jack Prelutsky I'm wrestling with an octopus and faring less than well, one peek at my predicament should be enough to tell. It held me in a hammerlock, then swept me off my feet, I'm getting the impression that I simply can't compete. I'd hoped that I could hold my own, but after just a while, I ascertained I couldn't match an octopus's style. It flipped me by a shoulder, and it latched onto a hip, essentially that octopus has got me in its grip. I tried assorted armlocks, but invariably missed, and now I'm in a headlock, and it's clinging to my wrist. It's wound around my ankles, and it's wrapped around my chest— when grappling with an octopus, I come out second best.
  • who besides me and you would kick up such a fuss over a grampus the octopus that's who he thinks it very odd how stiff we are we cannot slither near or far or pour ourselves into a jar thank god