November 17, 2009

Après la pluie. A wonderful short cartoon
  • Gorgeous.
  • This is good, and reminds me of other "Après" I have enjoyed, such as: Après la plume The inspirational story of one man's jouney to freedom a nest of terrorist geese. Après les prunes The inspirational story of one man's jouney to freedom from the burden of testicular cancer. Après la plage The inspirational story of one man's jouney to freedom from the burden of a career in "Home and Away". Après la pluteus aurantiorugosus The inspirational story of one man's jouney to freedom from the clutches of a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales with a brilliant scarlet cap and a slender stalk. Après la pluralité The inspirational story of one man's jouney to dumpsville.
  • I do *heart* you, quiddy.
  • Et tu, cher ninjette du mite! And let's have a podcast - assemble the pod! ... also, I must learn to spell-check.
  • " ... du mites" - ? " ... des mites" - ? WHATEVER
  • I can't even view this codec. Any suggestions?
  • Its on youtube too, if that helps Apres la pluie