August 30, 2009
The Placebo effect
is getting stronger. The effect of sugar pills is estimated to have doubled (in some instances) in 2 decades, the effect varies in strength from country to country and even the colour of the pills is being shown to have an impact. Fascinating stuff (and my first exposure to the term nocebo too).
See also the first entry in this article that we've seen before for some additional placebo weirdness.
I feel better now that I've read this post.
I knew that you would now (do ooh woo ooh woo ooh woo)...
sorry about that
Would color blind people get different effects? Or just lacking green, then would gray have the green effect? New line of research there, maybe.
The placebo effect is unexplainable, currently anyway.
The Onion knows the future...
When I saw myruby's pillbox over at flickr, I felt better immediately!
Placebo effect caught in the act in spinal nerves
The Dark Side of the Placebo Effect: When Intense Belief Kills
Evolution could explain the placebo effect
The Placebo Effect May Be Genetic