August 20, 2009

All Hail Homunculus Over on the gray, our and MeFi's own Homunculus is being justly honoured on the occasion of his 1000th ! post! Here on MoFi, he's made nearly 500 first-rate posts and innumerable thoughtful contributions to others' posts. Way to go, you little devil!
  • I was deeply affected by the link he supplied on my soon to be old FPP "When they cut the sacred groves...etc." If we include his MoFi posts, he has blogged maybe 2020! Congratulations, Homunculus.
  • I got carried away with that. Maybe 1500 total. But hey, where did his own blog page go? At least they show his logo from that over there on the site which shall remain nameless yet be constantly studied. There he is, the little guy standing on the, the what? soapbox? That would be ironic. No one is less strident or more selflessly helpful. (I really don't think I'm overstating it this time.)
  • h-dogg, you are brilliant. Thank you for being here, and for just being, generally. You make the interwebs a nicer place to hang out.
  • I've told him before, he is my favorite news team.
  • I fear for his evil plans: He has just become the first MeFite besides mathowie to cross into quadruple digits. And once I overtake him, MeFi will be mine! ALL MINE! That's how it works, right? posted by homunculus at 5:23 PM on August 20 Jolly well done, Mister H. In coming decades, you shall be remembered, as David Rhodes was remember for the 80's.
  • yeh he's good. But an homunculus is not really a devil... I suppose it would be a minor demon.. it depends on whether you think an homunculus has a spirit. I think probably most ancient occultists would say it does have a spirit, otherwise it could not be animate..
  • Hank, I bow to your erudition on the subject of homunculi and would only say that " little devil" was merely an affectionate figure of speech, not a reflection on the spiritual attributes of our Homunculus in particular or of homunculi in general. I'm pretty sure that Homunculus has a soul though.
  • That sounds like a faith standpoint! I will agree he is devilish. Devilishly good at coming up with appropriate followup links to FPPs! He always improves a post with his tiny manlike additions.
  • He always improves a post with his tiny manlike additions. That's what she said!! HAW!! Congratulations, Homunculonius Hmonc!
  • I, however, am more like a urinating dog: I am constantly ruining posts.
  • *adds extra special entry in The Chronicles of Homunculus*
  • I'm pretty sure that Homunculus has a soul though. Nope.
  • He's really wrecking the grade curve though.
  • Congrats, 'munc.
  • Not even a tiny little atman?
  • Mu.
  • Homunculus rocks on account of being totally awesome! Thanks for all the great posts! (Quick! Who has got the gold watch, dammit- he's standing there!)
  • Homunculus is the bartender of the internet, serving short, sharp shots of substance with a twist of style. A glass raised to a class act.
  • You monkeys are swell. I promise that when the day of destiny finally arrives, you will all serve in positions of honor an distinction in my new order.
  • *delurks long enough to raise a glass*
  • Yup, he doesn't forget us, for which we are truly grateful. So, Homunculus, does that mean you've stopped beating your wife?
  • On Mefi and MonkyFi, the little man does exceptional service! Ave homunculus!
  • Way to go, H!
  • Wheeeeeeeeeee!
  • Stoppin' by to say congrats, homunculus! A service well-done!!