July 25, 2009
Dog Malfunction
- You may have seen this YouTube clip of a hideous little stained poodle dog masticating its own tongue in a deranged manner and ululating like an angry duck with a cleft palate, well, there's also Dog Malfunction 2 (a classic which has birthed its own line of meme shoots). But now, friends, enjoy Dog Malfunction - Jazz Version. ALL YOUTUBE.
I didn't know until just now that the audio on 2 was from Bruce Almighty, but there you go.
Someone would choose to live with that?
"a hideous little stained poodle dog masticating its own tongue in a deranged manner and ululating like an angry duck with a cleft palate" is totally my new band name
Har har har! Almost had a wee accident watching that.
There are so many variations ... I think this one is worth watching.
Am I the only living person who thinks that dog is CUTE? Yes, I would choose to live with that; I've lived with humans who are far more annoying.
Further proof that poodles are not real dogs.
... and that wendell is not a real person.
I understand that one time over on that *other* filter, wendell was heard "ululating like an angry duck with a cleft palate."