December 04, 2003

(With apologies in advance to SideDish and her fabulous tattoo.
  • Fickle people. Sheesh.
  • yes, emu, my tattoo is indeed fab, isn't it? hee hee. i went through a lot of soul-searching before i had my lover's name etched on me. SOOO many people said, but what will you do when you guys break up? which i finally decided was very, very sad. a reflection of our very temporary society. call me a naive romantic, but i want this guy with me always. permanently. on my ass. heh. and trust me, i'm old enough to know exactly what i'm doing.
  • I have no problem with tattoos whatsoever. I've seen some really gorgeous ones and I admire people with that kind of pain tolerence. Go SideDish! That being said, there's no way I'd ever get one. First of all, I'm not attached to anything enough to have a permanent reminder of it on my body (and as a genXer type with divorced parents a couple times over, I'm inclined to believe there are no guaruntees regardless of best intentions). Also, OW! I'd wager that I have the lowest pain tolerence on the entire planet, and I cannot even imagine having needles full of ink stab me repeatedly.
  • That's my opinion on tattos, too, Kimberly. If someone else wants one, I'm all for it; I've seen some absolutely incredible ones. My problem with tattos for myself, however, is more of a commitment issue. I don't even have a bumper sticker on my car because it seems like too big of a commitment.
  • kimberly: i went into it thinking, well, it can't hurt THAT much. oh, it hurt THAT much. and more. it's weird, it's not a piercing, injection pain, like a shot. it's more like a slicing pain because they have to push the needle along to make the lines. and of course you have to endure this while lying totally still. but this is cool: i'd brought in a sinatra CD that the artist was nice enough to play for me. (my guy always sings sinatra to me.) anyway, just as my tattooer said, "OK, it's done," sinatra started singing, "i've got you under my skin." kid you not. magical!
  • I've always sort of wanted to get my family's coat of arms on my upper arm, and one of those big-ass swirly yellow Asian dragons across my back. MissusFes put the Le Khybash Grande on all that many years ago, though, along with motorcycles, marijuana, fistfighting, firing off guns into the dunpster in the alley behind the house, and wearing those knee-high lace-up moccasins that the Society for Creative Anachronism types wear when they go to their graphic design jobs on Monday.
  • I really want a tattoo but my problem is that it's got to be perfect. Being an art student I want whatever I get to not only look good but have symbolic meaning (not just some random tribal design or japanese symbol that means god knows what). So until I can make up my mind (which will probably be never!) I won't go under the needle, although I do have a relatively high pain tolerance.
  • It seems to me that I would rather stick it out with a tatoo I didn't care for than have, as the article points out, a faint trace of a tatoo post laser removal. At the very least it is a nostalgic reminder of who you used to be, and I kind of think it is sad that so many people should want to entirely sever themselves from their earlier, more care-free selves. I have kind of wanted to get one for a while, but I haven't found anything that is perfect enough to be sure i won't hate it in several years/months/weeks/days.
  • I wonder how Tony Danza feels today about that "Keep on Truckin'!" tattoo he has on his arm :D
  • A few people I know say that they want to get tattoos of the logos of their favourite bands. My typical response is, "What're you going to do when you realise that that band is shit?" Now they've got an answer. Darn.
  • This is my philosophy about tattoos: I love hooking-up with guys who have tattoos, but I don't want my prospective husband to have tattoos...
  • Ah, the first of the tatoo chronicles.
  • This really is breaking the sidebar, you know. We probably should stop.
  • My home town, ladies and gentlemen. Let's hear it.
  • I have a cousin who gives himself all sorts of tattoos with a homemade thingy just like that article described. And they're all fugly as shit. They look like he drew on himself with a pen, and so does that woman's. And I kind of like these trips down memory thread.
  • Oh no, there's NO WAY I'm clicking on that!!!
  • Maybe she just gets a butt hole tattoo somewhere more visible...
  • Me neither! But I hope for God's sake that it's just an image on her arm...
  • Nope.
  • Well, I've heard of bleaching, which is absolutely redonkulush, but I don't want to see pics of THAT, either. I can't imagine what you would have tattooed there, unless it was a daisy or something. I do have a cute story though. We had a black kitten with minimal white on him--just a few hairs on the tips of ears, tip of tail, part of one paw, etc. He did have a lot of pink skin, though. We were deciding on a name for him, and the youngest kept calling him Spot. He really wasn't spotted. I finally asked her, Why Spot? And she pointed out his shiny pink bum portal.
  • yes, Butt Hole Tattoo Girl, your ass is your best feature.
  • "Shiny pink bum portal" would be a good band name.
  • Catching up on a lot of old threads with new comments, and ... this probably wasn't the one to click on first. Although "Shiny pink bum portal" is a good band name.
  • Guess what happens when you google image for "shiny pink bum portal"? Not much, actually. *whew*