July 09, 2009
That was more fun than I expected. Brought new meaning to "cooking the books" (as if that needed a new meaning) and I was genuinely tickled when kittens started coming out of the 'woofers'. It's one of those short films that can really make you think... but only if you want to.
I'd been thinking about VS Ramachandran and his work on things like Synesthesia recently. He's a dynamic and accessible speaker, so I thought I'd post this youtuberry: V.S. Ramachandran at Beyond Belief 2007.
That was horrible. I want my money back.
Well, I thought it was wonderful and and Prof. Rrrramachandran too. Of all the quirks with which one could be afflicted, synesthesia's has gotta be the most fun.
Sometimes I wish I could have the enhanced senses the synesthesite has. When I think about what I'm missing, I feel blue.
Wait just a minute there, BlueHorse... Didn't you once say that you could feel a sideways pointing thumb on your foot, or something like that? If my remembrance is true, wouldn't THAT be a sensory enhancement?
Synesthesia, or not? I don't really feel like I've got an extra toe or a thumb, it feels like a chimp's feet looks. posted by BlueHorse at 04:35AM UTC on June 30, 2008
Why Does Evolution Allow Some People to Taste Words? Neural tangling called synesthesia may have creative benefits, experts say.
Also, Brang said, "if it's so cool and such a great trait, why don't we all have it?" Sour grapes, much?
Synesthesia May Explain Healers Claims of Seeing People's 'Aura'
Seeing synaesthetic stars during sex
And bells. And then the earth moved.
Can synaesthesia be learnt?