June 25, 2009
now even more awesome than previously thought. A prehistoric ceremonial complex has been found in southern England. Archaeologists are astonished.
Stuff found via google maps. Google Earth reveals hidden oasis Marijuana Field Lost Treasure Ship Google Earth reveals Afghanistan's hidden treasures Google Maps' Hidden Historical Joke I was actually looking for an old article about finding a buried ruins or otherwise archeological site via google maps... but couldn't find it.
Sorry, but the truth about crop circles is revealed!
very cool!!! the thing about the wallabies is just...weird!
Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has said.
that is...comical. brightened my morning and thanks for all the links flurker - I'd heard about the swim the Atlantic bit of the last one, but wasn't aware of the rest of it