May 25, 2009

Notfertiti - a modern fake or an ancient portrayal of Queen Nefertiti?
  • Denial of the Queen?
  • "This is an insult for an ancient Egyptian who believed the statue was the person themself" I have never heard this in all my years of reading about Egyptology and the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. But I am no expert, of course.
  • Cute chick, but I wish they'd fix that eyeball. She will still be famous as the Queen of the Nile, even if she's fake. Yeah, yeah, Islander, ha ha.
  • Ultimate standard of female beauty or not, there's something about the bust of Queen Nefertiti makes me think of Hillary. The angle of the neck? the eye brows? the lips? The sphinx-like inscrutability? The aire of command? They share something iconic, even if the statue turns out to be a fake.
  • I wonder if that's more of a personal thing, Dan - does, say Marilyn Monroe make you think of Hillary too? ;) I shouldn't like to think the bust was a fake because I've always thought of it as one of those things that demonstrate the originality and achievements of the Amarna period.
  • Hawass says he can prove the bust was stolen and that the Germans should therefore return it.