May 15, 2009
As always, the comments are the best part of the internets.
The WTF?!? link is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on teh internets.
polychrome, you beat me to posting that one -- I saw it a couple of days ago and forgot to post it. Awkward is definitely the best choice of word for these.
The picture in that last link is apparently art, making it somewhat less disturbing.
That is a fantastic site. I love things that make my family and upbringing look they weren't really so bad.
I wonder if you can find awkward nudest family pics, but not so much that I'm about to google for it.
sorry tracicle *this is awkward*
I look forward to posting my own awkward family photos soon. In fact I'm at the hospital now, Mrs. Frogs is in labor and everything. Like 8 cm dilated in labor. And here I am posting dumb comments on the Internets. But I only came here to say "hooray the tadpole arrives today!" anyway. :)
Woo hoo! Go Mrs frogsy! The tadpole is now a...wait, what's the next stage called?
OH WOW!! waiting impatiently for the pictures of the frog's spawn
Awkward family video
AwkWTF?!? (might be NSFW) Teachers and students of sex education classes should be forced to wear such suits during every lesson, in order to transmogrify any feelings of embarrassment to those of joyful absurdity.
... and to make the heads of religious conservatives explode.
Well, BlueHorse, not to toot my own horn or anything but the awkward photos of the lil' tadpole are here:
I think he's cute as hell. And I'm not just saying that 'cause he's mine.
Hoooo-ray! Congrats, clf, on the sprog - he's gorgeous!!!!
Oh, my! LOOK at that head of hair. *wants to snorggle*
Aww, he's beautiful! Congratulations to the frog family.
Well-spawned, Frogsy! Congratulations to you and Mrs. CLF and welcome to the Monkeyhouse, wee one!
Wow, didn't see THAT coming in the thread... Congrats to the happy frogs! Your addition is TOO CUTE! Hope Mrs. Frog is recovering! *gets in line for snorggles*
Thanks, all! Mrs. Frogs and tadpole are doing great. I fully expect him to be in here making snarky comments within 2-3 years (or whenever he learns how to type, whichever comes first!)
Awww yay! Congratulations, Frog Family!
Belated congrats on your awaited reptilian siring event!
We'll be wanting updates, caution live frogs, so you'd better post more views of the tadpole soon! (Although he is awful cute with his lil' scrunchy brand-new face.)
OH MY! Congratulations!!! How Wonderful! Hey there little froggie!
Oh, I have more photos, on my Flickr site and am trying to update things on my baby blog (froggy blog?) when I have time. Which isn't often, what with breastfeeding troubles and successes and changings and sleepings and fussings. But he's a lot of fun and just the cutest little guy. :)
Wait... you all are real people behind these names?!
could be...
More pictures, frogs. MORE PICTURES!! Can't wait till the sprog's old enough to take photos with you and the wife in your pink, fuzzy birthday suits!
This site featured in Entertainment Weekly. Tsk tsk.. already jumped the shark.