March 06, 2009

Craig', list?
  • It's the aussie version, innit? Except Craig is, er, the quidnunc kid, or the bizarro quidnunc kid.
  • Ha!
  • Yeah, "Ha" it up lady - a telephone pole in Australia is posting better content that your whole website. But I guess it doesn't have to labour under the tyrannical weight of a kiwi admin, eh? EH? EH?!?!?!?!
  • better content that [sic] your whole website
  • ARRRRAAAAAAGGGG! Or idjuts that don't know how to use html
  • I have a telephone pole under my command RIGHT NOW. Sit! Good pole.
  • Craig doesn't like stuff to do with cheese or kites :(
  • I only like things that involve cheese and kites. I wonder if Craig looks like me but with an eye patch.
  • ARRRRAAAAAAGGGG! Hey, man, get off-a my petard.
  • If you also like standing on quid's petard, meet me in this thread at 4AM GMT sharp tomorow and we can all stand on his petard together. Gosh I hope it doesn't collapse or something because I have to go stand on this other guy's petard at 5. Thanks, Pallas
  • I'm off to Adelaide on Thursday! Let's have a drink, Pallas (... if you're in town in the next two days).
  • I am. Is your mobile number still the same? Would be great to see you (and your petard.)
  • Ummm ... dunno. Email me! Have to be tomorrow night though!