January 02, 2009

The Secrets of Walrus Nookie Exactly how walruses reproduce is a big unknown to scientists, but at Six Flags they're eagerly trying to understand. They've even created an artificial vagina in an effort to arouse the mysterious 2,100 pound Jocko.
  • "Took the first semen sample out of a walrus in the wild or captivity" is going to enhance any CV, though perhaps slightly less helpful if you're a police clerical support officer or something.
  • Perhaps it's time to ask the most important question: What DO they do with that bucket, anyway? ...they are gregarious, surprisingly agile and prone to blowing snot on whatever or whomever is nearby. ewwwwwww! *wipes shirt*
  • the mysterious 2,100 pound Jocko Excuse me, Jocko's 2,200 pounds. Don't go shortening his tonne, there.
  • Seems.. goddammit.
  • Behold! The Tasmanian Mock Walrus!! OK, OK. Let's get serious. *ahem* Do you folks know the difference between your citrus fruits and a walrus? Q: How do you tell the difference between a walrus and an orange? A: Put your arms around it and squeeze it. If you don't get orange juice, it's a walrus.
  • what if you get lemon juice?
  • oh, you got sneaky on me and went from general citrus fruits right to teh orange, my bad.
  • If you don't like my joke, just lime me alone already!
  • I am grapefruit for your efforts.
  • Q: What quantity of semen was taken? A: Kumquart.
  • *grabs ears, staggers in circle, falls over*
  • Beware!
  • My, homunculus, there are at least six pages of google that reference teh gay walrus. This was a current meme of which I was unaware. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I think.
  • Only a million? They are the few moms that look like walruses and don't like kisses.
  • Only a million? They are the few moms that look like walruses and don't like kisses.
  • Why? I got a disconnect message and hit that new Comment Edit Button thingee...