January 02, 2009

Burglar scared off by man dressed as Thor
  • Excellent. I am proud of my pantheon. *dons Viking helmet, fights crime*
  • Arriving home from a New Year's Eve party, he was probably hammered as well.
  • I would have done exactly the same if charged by a large, drunk viking.
  • He damn well better be registered.
  • *adjusts tinfoil hat, feels more secure*
  • You're Thor? Mithter, I was tho thore I couldn't thit down for a week!
  • "He made his costume himself, using large quantities of tinfoil".
  • The terrified intruder leapt from a first floor window to escape Torvald Alexander... He landed on a pitched roof outside the window which broke his fall, and made his escape. So he jumped from a first floor window, somehow landed on a roof, which saved him from falling about 3 feet? What?
  • First floor UK is your second floor Mr Knickerbocker, so having his fall broken was a bit more significant. Your first floor we say ground floor.
  • Really? Huh.
  • We only do it to be annoying.
  • i thought that was the whole ou instead of o and re instead of er thing...
  • Your first floor we say ground floor. Fucking barbarians.
  • We do that in the woodshed.
  • [reinsert "You're thor?" joke here]
  • We only do it to be annoying. MeTa.
  • The fact that the burglar left his shoes behind pushes it into Asgardian awesomeness. I wonder if he also left a hole in the wall in the shape of his body as part of the escape.