December 04, 2008

2081 is now a soon to be released movie based on the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut from the collection Welcome to the Monkey House. One reading is that it's not so much a satire against liberal egalitarianism as it is one against envy and guilt as they effect human potential...

As monkeys we are clearly THE superior beings. *Human, all too human* is the final Nietzschean judgment on humanity. But now here's a satirical movie that may foil our attempts at leveling humanity to its lowest common denominator. As they say in the story: "All men are not created equal. It is the purpose of the Government to make them so." But does it really matter if THEY (the gaijin species, those guys) level themselves, or not?

  • See, once I (in my human state) accept that the idiot designer of my job is unequally the true boss of me, I become happy BECAUSE, not inspite of limitations...
  • I'm surprisingly optimistic about this. Vonnegut would not be proud of me for that, I'm sure. I suppose my optimism mostly stems from the fact that this couldn't possibly be worse than the other Harrison Bergeron movie, starring Samwise and utter suck.