November 24, 2008

Pasta, with extra mozzarella! Man pleasures self with pasta sauce.

A search of his car uncovered pornography, a homemade sex aid, women's stockings and a Jack Russell terrier.

  • I've argued previously that semen should be rebranded as "Manfredo."
  • I hate stories without happy endings.
  • I guess you had to be there to know the whole story, but once they saw he didn't have any weapon other than a jar full of boy-bits, why did they have to make him get out of the car? Couldn't they have just told him to go park somewhere else? I mean, maybe they tried and he said no, but if so that's a key element of the story that's missing.
  • Monkeyfilter: didn't have any weapon other than a jar full of boy-bits.
  • You think he'd have gone for jerk sauce...
  • Some guys prefer a good dry rub.
  • Weatherley attracted police attention while he was parked in a no-stopping zone... Well, there's your answer, right there. "But officer, the sign says I can't stop..!"
  • He was on the vinegar strokes. But I prefer a dash of Woucestershire Sauce in my ragu.
  • 750mm jar Umm, just how big is his noodle?
  • It's interesting to note that the journalist glosses over whether there was even any sauce in the jar, and is devoid of details in general. It's a great story, but Courier Mail drops the ball and just phones it in.
  • Who's that journalist? Chopped liver?
  • Byline: Patty de Foie Gras
  • Awww crap, no mugshot.
  • four officers used batons and capsicum spray to get him out. I mean, the capsicum spray was just encouraging him, surely.
  • MonkeyFilter: a homemade sex aid, women's stockings and a Jack Russell terrier sounds like kit's Christmas wish list
  • It's like the chap on The Fast Show who would come home with everything but what was on his wife's shopping list.
  • What? WTH?
  • Well. I'm more of a Border Terrier man myself, but everything else is spot on.
  • those little dogs have sharp teeth...this guy needs to be arrested to protect himself!