November 21, 2008

How much dus a blue whales clit weigh? See streaming questions and answers from Britain's 118 118 directory enquiry service. A soothing mixture of banality and idiocy. stolen, as is usual on a Friday, from B3TA
  • Q: Where can I find a woman with a foot fetish? A: The 118 Team suggests that you go to a salon or ask your friends about someone who loves pedicure & nail arts A: Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball THANKS FOR KILLING MY DAY!!!
  • Q: Steve is having a poo how long wil he take A: We certainly don't know, and we doubt even Steve knows. He will be done when he's done, and not before. thx Haw haw.
  • I saw this on Graham Norton a while back. He asked them if baboons were evil, and they said yes.
  • Baboons are evil. Jerks.
  • This is the best thing ever.
  • They're not evil, just misunderstood.
  • Monkeyfilter: asked them if baboons were evil, and they said yes.
  • I could watch that scroll by all day. It's hypnotic.
  • MonkeyFilter: A soothing mixture of banality and idiocy. I refuse to click on this link give the question you quoted.
  • Don.t have any friends best friend is dead Well, that was fun.
  • Of course, what's one of the first things I see? (Did they know where I was linking from?) Q: What wuld happen if I analy inserted a monkey A: No info found. It is against the Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, you can face a maximum of 6 month prison
  • We. Are. So. NOT. Going. There!!!